Evidence of near-SOL tungsten accumulation using a far-SOL collector probe array and OEDGE modelling in the DIII-D metal rings L-mode discharges

Nuclear Materials and Energy(2019)

引用 22|浏览120
•OEDGE modelling of the DIII-D metal rings collector probe experiment is presented.•Modelling indicates that tungsten must enter the peripheral SOL above the probe to reproduce experimentally observed deposition patterns.•It is also found that a value for anomalous cross field transport of D⊥ < 1 m2/s is supported by the experimental exponential decay length of deposition on the collector probe.•OEDGE modelling of target sourced W indicates that W is transported upstream from the source at the outer divertor strike point toward the apex of the plasma. It then moves outward by cross field transport while also being transported in the direction of the outer target. The W enters the peripheral SOL and subsequently deposits on the probe.•Experimental collector probe measurements show more W deposition on the inner target facing (ITF) side than the outer target facing (OTF) side for many discharges. In order for the W to reach the probe as seen experimentally, it is likely that tungsten accumulates at some point in the main SOL upstream of the collector probe location.
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