Optical and interface properties of direct InP/Si heterojunction formed by corrugated epitaxial lateral overgrowth


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We fabricate and study direct InP/Si heterojunction by corrugated epitaxial lateral overgrowth (CELOG). The crystalline quality and depth-dependent charge carrier dynamics of InP/Si heterojunction are assessed by characterizing the cross-section of grown layer by low-temperature cathodoluminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy. Compared to the defective seed InP layer on Si, higher intensity band edge emission in cathodoluminescence spectra and enhanced carrier lifetime of InP are observed above the CELOG InP/Si interface despite large lattice mismatch, which are attributed to the reduced threading dislocation density realized by the CELOG method. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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inp/si heterojunction
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