GEOARCHAEOLOGY APPROACHES AND METHODS : Geoarchaeology: Human adaptation to landscape changes, landscape resilience to human impact and integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records

Quaternary International(2019)

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This special issue covers the EGU 2016 session GM6.2/SSS3.10 ‘Geoarchaeology: Human adaptation to landscape changes, landscape resilience to human impact and integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records’. This session in Vienna received a high number of abstracts with 32 submitted, comprising 11 oral and 21 poster presentations. This session was supported by the IAG - International Working Group on Geoarchaeology. Currently human-climate-environment interactions are a key research theme within Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Environmental Archaeology communities (Bebermeier et al, 2012; Bebermeier et al, 2013; Diskin et al, 2013; Engel and Bruckner, 2014; Kluiving and Guttmann-Bond, 2012; Kluiving et al, 2012; Kluiving et al, 2015; Kluiving et al, 2017; Knitter et al, 2015; Verstraeten, 2013; Wilson, 2011). The aim of this session was highlight geoarchaeological best practice when considering the question of how to analyse and deal with uncertainties in data. This session welcomed papers from individuals or groups that use geoarchaeological approaches to explore past landscape evolution, geomorphological processes, human impact and system response, as well as issues of landscape resilience and human adaptation. This session invited papers which discuss methodological and theoretical approaches to integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records, or which present case studies of this multi-disciplinary approach in action. Themes may include the impacts of environmental change on human development, and also how humans have influenced the environment. Approaches which effectively link multi-scalar datasets were encouraged. From this session nine thought-provoking and diverse papers are presented here, from individuals and groups that use a variety of geoarchaeological approaches and techniques to consider past landscape evolution, geomorphological processes and system response to natural and anthropogenic drivers. The papers in this volume are ordered geographically from east to west: India (Durcan et al, in this issue), Jordan (Meister et al, in this issue), Egypt (Hamden et al, in this issue), Turkey, (Stock et al, in this issue), Italy, (Aucelli et al, in this issue), The Netherlands (Pierik and Van Lanen, 2019; Van Lanen and Pierik, 2019), France (Contreras et al, in this issue) and Gibraltar (Doerschner et al, in this issue).
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