Role of Health Extension Worker in Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in Ethiopia: Systematic Review

American Journal of Life Sciences(2019)

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Background: Health Extension Program was designed to serve the rural community of Ethiopia and has brought significant change in improving utilization of family planning, antenatal care, postnatal care, birth preparedness, initiating breast feeding immediately after birth and HIV testing. In relation to Tuberculosis (TB) prevention and control, TB patients believe that they learnt about TB from HEWs and some patients stated that they could not have been diagnosed without the work of HEWs. HEWs focus on Education of the community, Identification of suspects, referral of suspects to health Facilities, Support for adherence to treatment, retrieval of absentees and contact tracing. Objective: The objective of this review was to assess the role of Ethiopian health extension workers in prevention and control of TB. Method: Computerized systematic search was conducted through PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science direct databases. After reviewing for relevance of articles based on title, abstract and eliminating for redundancies five articles were included for this review. Studies presented to the original article, studies that examine contribution of HEWs to TB prevention, studies conducted in Ethiopia; studies written in English were included in the review. Results: Large number of people with TB symptom which is the base for TB prevention and elimination strategy was identified by the HEWs. The health extension workers identified not only new patients but also the retreatment (defaulters) which are the major contributors to (multi drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). From the identified TB suspects by HEWs, majority of them were found to be positive for the disease. Health extension worker remain the health worker who identify TB suspects and refer patient to health facilities. They were also the source of community health educator in relation to TB.
tuberculosis prevention,health extension worker,ethiopia
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