Mechanically reshaping stream banks alters fish community composition: Bank reshaping affects stream fish


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Mechanically reshaping stream banks is a common practice to mitigate bank erosion in streams that have been extensively channelised and lowered for land drainage. A common perception regarding this activity is that fish populations will be largely unaffected, at least in the short term, because the low-flow wetted channel remains undisturbed. However, the response of fish populations to this practice has rarely been quantitatively evaluated. Using a Before-After-Control-Impact design, we assessed fish community responses to a catchment-scale bank reshaping event in a fourth-order low-gradient stream that drains an intensive agricultural landscape. Quantitative electric fishing and fish habitat data were collected 2 months before and annually for 3 years after the reshaping event. After reshaping, deposited fine sediment levels increased in impact reaches, and there was a significant reduction in anguillid eel biomass (by 49%). In contrast, densities of obligate benthic gobiid bully species increased significantly in impact reaches-potentially due to reduced predation pressure from eels. Three years after bank reshaping, fish community structure had largely returned to its preimpact state in the reshaped areas. Our results suggest that, even in highly modified stream channels, further bank modification can reduce instream habitat quality and displace eels for at least 1 year. Managers should endeavour to use bank erosion control measures that conserve bank-edge cover, especially in streams with populations of anguillid eels, because these fish are declining globally.
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Key words
anguillid eels,BACI,bank reshaping,channel modification,fine sediment,stream habitat
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