Ten new species of Dacryodes from Amazonia and the Guianas. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae XXIII


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Dacryodes caparuensis, D. decidua, D. froesiana, D. oblongifolia , D. oblongipetala, D. obovata , D. ramosa, D. spatulata , D. sudyungasensis, and D. villosa are described and illustrated. While presenting diverse morphologies, all are lowland species of Amazonia and the Guianas, with the exception of D. sudyungasensis from montane forests on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia. The descriptions of most of these species are based on few collections. The decision to proceed with the publication of a long-accumulating backlog of novel taxa is based on two factors making it doubtful that additional material of these species will be seen in the near future. First, Dacryodes species are usually rare where they occur, moreover they are usually large trees whose flowers and fruits are difficult to see and access. Second, there has been an alarming decrease in botanical exploration, while the urgency of documenting flora – especially undescribed diversity – has only increased.
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Biodiversity, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, flora, Peru, taxonomy
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