Discordant gene responses to radiation in humans and mice: hematopoietically humanized mice may save the day for radiation biomarker identification.


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The mouse (Mus musculus) is an extensively used model of human disease and responses to stresses such as ionizing radiation. As part of our work developing gene expression biomarkers of radiation exposure, dose, and injury, we have found many genes are either upregulated (e.g. CDKN1A, MDM2, BBC3, and CCNG1) or down-regulated (e.g. TCF4 and MYC) in both species after irradiation. However, we have also found genes that are consistently upregulated in humans and down-regulated in mice (e.g. DDB2, PCNA, GADD45A, SESN1, RRM2B, KCNN4, IFI30, and PTPRO). Here we test a hematopoietically humanized mouse as a potential in vivo model for biodosimetry studies, measuring the response of these 14 genes one day after radiation exposure, and comparing it with that of human blood irradiated ex vivo, and blood from whole body irradiated mice. We found that human blood cells in the hematopoietically humanized mouse in vivo environment recapitulated the gene expression pattern expected from human cells, not the pattern seen from in vivo irradiated normal mice. The results of this study support the use of hematopoietically humanized mice as an in vivo model for radiation gene expression studies relevant to humans.
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