Hématome rétro-péritonéal consécutif à une envenimation vipérine: à propos d’un cas


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Ophidian envenomations are a public health problem in Africa, causing 20.000 annual deaths. This mortality reflects the difficulties in the management of these complications, in particular of bleeding complications. We report the case of Mr SL, aged 35 years, farmer, victim of snake bite causing haemorrhagic syndrome followed by a progressive onset of acute abdomen. Ultrasound objectified high abundant effusion. Effusion puncture was performed which showed undotting blood. Given the re-establishment of the hemoperitoneum after three doses of antivenin serum as well as the coagulation of the samples collected using drying tube, exploratory laparotomy was performed on day 9. It showed retroperitoneal hematoma, with bulging appearance, in the mesocolon which flowed in the peritoneal cavity. Aspiration of 1500ml of blood and rinsing with physiological serum were performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. The patient was transferred to the department of surgery three days after surgery and was discharged on day 19.
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Key words
vipenne envenomation,retroperitoneal haematoma,resuscitation
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