Wind Turbine Wake Evaluation using Actual Power Production at Wind Farm

Ieej Transactions on Power and Energy(2019)

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In this paper, we focus on the relationship between wind turbine separation distance, wind speed and power output, and this paper aims to evaluate the wind speed ratio and the power output ratio due to wake. We selected three wind turbines influenced by wake from the already operating wind farm, and calculated the wind speed ratio and the power output ratio which were influenced by the wake of the front wind turbine. As a result of comparing these ratios for each wind turbine, as the separation distance becomes larger, the influence of wake by the front wind turbine becomes smaller and the wind speed and the power output were recovered. Furthermore, we compared the wind speed ratio calculated from the general wake model and the ratio calculated from the observed data. As a result, it became clear that the result of the wake model is different from the observed data.
wind turbine wake evaluation,actual power production
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