
Effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation as an enhancer of a cognitive stimulation maneuver in mild cognitive impairment patients case studies preliminary results

G. Roque Roque,J. Reyes-López,J. Ricardo-Garcell,M. López-Hidalgo, N. Arias-García,L. Aguilar-Fabré, H. Hernández-Montiel, G. Trejo-Cruz, A. Brunner-Mendoza, A. Calderón-Moctezuma, S. Cañizares-Gómez

Brain Stimulation(2019)

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Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is defined as an intermediate state between normal aging and an early stage of neurodegenerative diseases. It is stimated that exist 24.3 million people worldwide with neurocognitive disorders. Cognitive Stimulation (CS) is defined as the set of techniques and strategies that optimize the effectiveness in various functions of different cognitive abilities throughout its use in rehabilitation on MCI. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a safe neuromodulation technique that modifies brain electrical activity through electromagnetic fields. There is evidence of the relationship between CS and rTMS for the improvement in MCI levels and cognitive functions; it´s important to deepen the knowledge of the therapeutic potential of both techniques combined on MCI. In this case study report, two patients are shown (case 1 and 2) where the enhancing effect of rTMS on CS was explored in a 30 sessions protocol, 3 times per week combining rTMS and CS; and one patient (case 3) with only CS using the same session numbers. For all the patients MoCA test was used for cognitive performance evaluation and Barrat Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) for impulsivity traits in a pre/post treatment comparison. CASES: 1:50-year-old female 18 years of schooling. Baseline-scores: MoCA: 22pts,BIS: 60pts. With a final score: MoCA: 26pts, BIS: 29pts. 2: 52-year-old female, 9 years of schooling. Baseline-score: MoCA: 16pts, BIS: 66pts. Final-score: MoCA: 29pts, BIS: 39pts. 3: 65-year-old female, 17 years of schooling. Baseline-score: MoCA: 7pts, BIS: 62pts. Final-score: MoCA: 5 points and BIS: 52 points. The use of both techniques could be beneficial in clinical and neuropsychological improvement for both patients, as long as with CS no improvement was shown. Nevertheless more studies are needed to be considered as a treatment for MCI.
transcranial magnetic stimulation,cognitive stimulation maneuver,cognitive impairment
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