Interactions between Lake-Level Fluctuations and Waterlogging Disasters around a Large-Scale Shallow Lake: An Empirical Analysis from China


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Waterlogging disasters in the lakeside areas of shallow lakes that located in plain regions are sensitive to lake-level fluctuations. However, there are very few studies on the influences of lake-level fluctuations on waterlogged lakeside areas from a large lake basin perspective. This paper proposes an integrated hydrodynamic model employing the MIKE software to contribute to the existing literature by filling the gap constituted by the lack of an estimation of the impacts of lake-level fluctuations on waterlogging disasters by relevant models. First, a coupled one-dimensional and two-dimensional hydrodynamic model is established to simulate the waterlogging routing in the lakeside area around Nansi Lake (NL) in addition to the flood routing in NL and its tributaries. Second, the model is calibrated and verified by two measured flood events in July 2007 and July 2008; the results indicate that the model can correctly simulate the drainage process of pumping stations in the lakeside area, as well as the interactions between the waterlogging drainage and lake-level fluctuations. Third, the process of waterlogging in the lakeside area of NL is simulated under different rainfall events and initial lake-level conditions. Fourth, based on the results of the model, this paper illustrates the influences of lake-level fluctuations on the waterlogged area around the lake, as well as the different responses of waterlogging in different areas to lake-level fluctuations in NL and the main cause for these differences. Finally, based on the results of the model, this paper presents some implications for waterlogging simulations and drainage system design.
flood control and disaster reduction,coupled hydrodynamic model,waterlogging disaster,Nansi Lake
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