663 Biochemical and Molecular Determinants of Floral Senescence


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The senescence of carnation (Dianthus caryophylus) flower petals is regulated by the phytohormone ethylene and is associated with the expression of a number of senescence-related genes. These genes encode enzymes in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway, including both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase. Members of these gene families are differentially regulated in floral organs, with specific members responsible for the increase in ethylene biosynthesis that leads to petal senescence. Pollination often serves as the external signal to initiate the senescence cascade. Following pollination, a rapid increase in ethylene production by the pistal occurs, which is subsequently followed by increased ethylene in the petal. This response is mediated by pollen–pistil interaction(s) that occurs only in compatible pollinations. Recent data indicate that the signal transduction cascade following this cell-cell communication involves protein phosphorylation, as pollination-induced ethylene is sensitive to protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors. To date, our lab has cloned and characterized a number of senescence-related genes that are believed to play a role in the process of senescence. These include genes that encode enzymes involved in cell wall dissolution (b-galactosidase), protein degradation (cysteine proteinase) and detoxification of breakdown products (glutathione s-transferase). Many of these senescence-related genes are under the transcriptional regulation of ethylene, which has been characterized at the molecular level. A number of biotechnology approaches to controlling the senescence of flowers have been explored. These include the down-regulation of ethylene biosynthetic genes, the expression of a dominant-negative mutation of the ethylene receptor gene, and the expression of genes that lead to increased cytokinin levels in tissues. These will be discussed in relation to the potential for delaying senescence through genetic engineering.
Ethylene Biosynthesis
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