Analysis of the Forbush Decreases and Ground‐Level Enhancement on September 2017 Using Neutron Spectrometers Operated in Antarctic and Midlatitude Stations


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This work investigates solar events occurred in September 2017 characterized by a series of Forbush decreases and a ground level enhancement (GLE). Forbush decreases is a rapid decrease in the observed intensity following a coronal mass ejection while GLE is induced by a strong solar event for which the flux of high-energy solar particles is sufficient to enhance the radiation level on the ground. These investigations were performed using data recorded by a neutron spectrometer network composed of a Bonner sphere system. Two instruments located at Pic-du-Midi Observatory (+2,885 m above sea level) and at Concordia station (Antarctica, +3,233 m) record simultaneously and continuously the neutron spectra, allowing to consider short-term variations during solar events. The main objective is to analyze neutron spectral properties including their energy distributions and dynamics. This paper presents cosmic ray-induced neutron spectra during active solar event leading to changes in the local cosmic ray spectrum (Forbush decreases and a GLE). Concerning the GLE, analyses show that neutrons in the evaporation domain are particularly amplified during the GLE, while other energetic domains increase uniformly.
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neutron spectrometers,forbush decreases,antarctic
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