Preservation of Meat Products with Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Meat

Roger J. da Costa, Flávia L. S. Voloski,Rafael G. Mondadori,Eduarda H. Duval,Ângela M. Fiorentini


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Bacteriocins are ribosomal-synthesized antimicrobial peptides that inhibit the growing of pathogenic and/or deteriorating bacteria. The most studied bacteriocin-producing microorganisms are lactic acid bacteria (LAB), as they have great potential application in food biopreservation, since the majority have GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status. The LAB-producing bacteriocins and/or bacteriocins produced by these bacteria have been widely studied, with the emphasis on those derived from milk and dairy products. On the other hand, isolates from meat and meat products are less studied. The objective of this review is to address the main characteristics, classification, and mechanism of action of bacteriocins and their use in food, to highlight studies on the isolation of LAB with bacteriocinogenic potential from meat and meat products and also to characterize, purify, and apply these bacteriocins in meat products. In summary, most of the microorganisms studied are Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Pediococcus, and Lactobacillus, which produce bacteriocins such as nisin, enterocin, pediocin, pentocin, and sakacin, many with the potential for use in food biopreservation.
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