ICT Competency, Network Interaction, Internet Self-Efficacy, and Mathematical Achievement: Direct and Mediating Effects

2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE)(2018)

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With the popularity of the Internet and information technology in education, a growing number of studies have been conducted on its influence on academic achievement, and further attention has been paid to the influence of gender factors. Through the structural equation model, this study used Internet self-efficacy as a mediator to compare and analyze the direct and indirect effects of the ICT competency and the network interaction on the mathematical achievement of the students of different gender. The result shows that the direct effects of male students' ICT competency and mathematical achievement are negative and significant, while female students are not. The direct effects of ICT competency and network interaction on mathematical achievement of male and female students were all negative. However, during the adjustment factor of Internet self-efficacy, the indirect effects were positive and significant. It could be seen the crucial role of Internet self-efficacy between technical use and mathematical achievement. Teachers should attach importance to the current situation of male students' Internet reverse use. At the same time, they should also pay attention to the cultivation of Internet self-efficacy of male and female students, so that technology can better help students improve their mathematical achievement.
Gender differences,ICT competency,Network Interaction,Internet self-efficacy,Mathematical achievement
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