Comparing the Information Needs and Experiences of Undergraduate Students and Practicing Engineers

Margaret Phillips,Michael Fosmire, Laura Turner, Kristin Petersheim,Jing Lu

The Journal of Academic Librarianship(2019)

Cited 16|Views4
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Practicing engineers and undergraduate engineering and technology students seek and use information differently within the research and design process. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted by librarians at Purdue University and information specialists at Caterpillar Inc. to analyze self-reported information habits and challenges of both user populations. The authors created surveys containing similar questions for each user group, using a framework that asked participants to think about their information needs and use during a recent engineering project. The survey questions discerned users' confidence in their information abilities, and their preferences and barriers for finding and using information.
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Workplace information literacy,Undergraduates,Information skills,Engineers,Engineering,Engineering technology
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