Innovaciones en industrias de alimentos en escuelas agropecuarias de la provincia de Buenos Aires

María Cecilia Mouteira, Maximiliano Fernández,Graciela Albo, Ana Clara Dedomenici,Gabriela Diosma,Guillermo Hang

Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología(2018)

引用 3|浏览16
In 2015, we proposed to develop a course to be taught in agricultural and livestock secondary schools in the Province of Buenos Aires, with the purpose of making the students acquire skills in the production of standardized operating procedures as a strategy for the implementation of quality systems, to enable them to ensure the safety of foods produced in school agroindustries. For this purpose, teachers and students of agricultural and livestock secondary schools of said province were questioned about their knowledge about food quality, the feasibility of implementing quality assurance systems in the food and agriculture industries of the different educational units, and the relevance of their incorporation in the training of technicians in agricultural production. The research methodology used for this analysis was of qualitative type, in the form of interviews and semi-structured surveys.
agroindustrias,escuela agraria,inocuidad alimentaria,calidad de alimentos.
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