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Riesgo biológico en el aire respirable de los minadores de basura en la Et2 Zámbiza en Quito-Ecuador

K. Coral, M. A. Rodríguez,J. E. Oviedo


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The city of Quito has two transfer stations for waste before it is transported to the El Inga landfill. At the Zambiza transfer station, miners collect the recyclable material from the waste, which puts them directly in contact with the waste of toilet paper loaded with human feces that the community discards together with the waste. This exposes them to a biological risk that has been evaluated through the determination of fecal and total coliforms in their work environment and the subsequent application of the Biogaval method. The results obtained show that the miners surpass the level of biological action for the typhoid and paratyphoid fever and are very close in the case of food poisoning with the presence of acute diarrhea. Corrective measures reduced the risk to levels lower than the initial one.
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Key words
atmospheric particles,pathogenic organisms,urban waste,health risks
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