Research on Limits of Exhaust Emissions from In-Use Diesel Vehicles under Lug-Down Test Procedure

Advances in Environmental Protection(2018)

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本研究通过开展不同排放阶段的柴油机烟度排放水平测试,并统计分析了北京市9100辆不同排放阶段(国三、治理改造车、国四、国五)在用柴油车的加载减速烟度检测数据,研究制定在用国五柴油车加载减速测试的不透光烟度限值定为HSU13 (光吸收系数0.27);通过对柴油车年检时加载减速测试工况的NOX进行测试,确定了在用国四、国五柴油车加载减速的NOX排放限值分别为1300 × 10−6和900 × 10−6。本文的研究为城市柴油车的烟度和NOX的排放限值制定提供了依据,对城市高排放车辆的控制具有重要意义。 In this study, the smoke emission of different stages diesel engine was tested, and it analyzed the smoke emissions of 9100 diesel vehicles of Beijing to set the smoke limit of in-use stage V diesel vehicles, 0.27 (HSU: 13). Meanwhile, by testing the NOX concentration during lug-down test circle, the stage IV and V diesel vehicles were set as 1300 × 10−6 and 900 × 10−6, respectively.
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exhaust emissions,in-use,lug-down
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