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The effects of vegetative type, edges, fire history, rainfall, and management in fire‐maintained habitat


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The combined effects of fire history, climate, and landscape features (e.g., edges) on habitat specialists need greater focus in fire ecology studies, which usually only emphasize characteristics of the most recent fire. Florida scrub-jays are an imperiled, territorial species that prefer medium (1.2-1.7 m) shrub heights, which are dynamic because of frequent fires. We measured short, medium, and tall habitat quality states annually within 10-ha grid cells (that represented potential territories) because fires and vegetative recovery cause annual variation in habitat quality. We used multistate models and model selection to test competing hypotheses about how transition probabilities vary between states as functions of environmental covariates. Covariates included vegetative type, edges (e.g., roads and forests), precipitation, openings (gaps between shrubs), mechanical cutting, and fire characteristics. Fire characteristics not only included an annual presence/absence of fire covariate, but also fire history covariates: time since the previous fire, the longest fire-free interval, and the number of repeated fires. Statistical models with support included many covariates for each transition probability, often including fire history, interactions, and non-linear relationships. Tall territories resulted from 28 yr of fire suppression and habitat fragmentation that reduced the spread of fires across landscapes. Despite 35 yr of habitat restoration and prescribed fires, half the territories remained tall, suggesting a regime shift to a less desirable habitat condition. Edges reduced the effectiveness of fires in setting degraded scrub and flatwoods into earlier successional states, making mechanical cutting an important tool to compliment frequent prescribed fires.
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Key words
adaptive management,edges,fire,Florida scrub-jays,fragmentation,mapping,multistate,scrub,transition
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