Subduction factory in an ampoule: Experiments on sediment–peridotite interaction under temperature gradient conditions

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta(2018)

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To better understand processes above subducted oceanic slabs, we have undertaken experiments with juxtaposed sediment and peridotite layers at pressures of 7.5 and 10.5 GPa at a controlled temperature gradient from ∼100 to ∼500 °C per a sample length of ∼3 mm. The sediment starting material contains H2O (6.9 wt%) and CO2 (5.9 wt%) and has a major-element composition similar to GLOSS (Plank and Langmuir, 1998) doped with trace elements at 10–100 ppm levels. Several experiments were conducted with ∼0.5 wt% Cl or F. The peridotite layer is composed of natural olivine (66 wt%), orthopyroxene (27 wt%) and garnet (7 wt%) mixed with ∼15 wt% graphite. Several experimental configurations were investigated, but the “basic” setup has the sediment layer at the bottom in the cold zone (400–1200 °C) overlain by peridotite at 900–1500 °C. The temperature distribution was determined by two thermocouples and orthopyroxene–garnet thermometry.
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Key words
Experiment,Partial melting,Sediment–peridotite interaction,Temperature gradient,Mass transfer,Subduction trace-element signature
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