The Pressure Ulcers Evidence in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury at Spinal Unit of Department of Traumatology at University Hospital Brno 2013– 2016


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Aim: Mm of the study is to present an evidence of pressure ulcers (PU), its localization, category and relation to the level of spinal cord injury in patients admitted at spinal unit (SU). Material and methods: In total 373 patients admitted at spinal unit from 2013 to 2016 was analysed. They first hospitalisation was at one of spinal centres type la), which are defined by guidelines published by Ministry of Health CR (2002). All were examined using an international classification ASIA. Localization of pressure ulcers, category at the moment of admission, the time from the beginning of injury to admission at SU and the way of treatment was analysed. Resuits:We verify 49 (13.14%) patients with 76 pressure ulcers in a basic set of 373 patients hospitalised at SU. The time from spinal cord injury (SCI) to the admission at SU has duration from 1 to 40 weeks. The disability AIS A was found in 87 (23.32%) patients and 24 (6.43%) of them had PU. AIS B was in 50 patients (13.40%) and 10 (2.68%) with PU; AIS C was in 106 (28.42%) patients and 10 (2.68%) with PU.The less disability AIS D was in 112 patients with 2 (0.54%)) PU's. It was not possible to examine ASIA score in 18 patients (4.83%) and 3 (0.54%) had PU. The most frequent localization of PU was sacrum in 37 (48.68%) and heels in 21 (27.63%) patients. The most frequent PU was second category-all together 47 (61.84%)). In total 64 (84.21%) of PU's was cured conservatively. Conclusion: In our set, there is the evidence that higher presence of PU was in patients with complete spinal cord injury AIS A, in tetraplegics patients and patients admitted from non-spinal departments.
spinal unit,pressure ulcer,spinal cord injury,ASIA score
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