Shoot Growth Of Ora-Pro-Nobis In Alternative Substrate Of Carbonized Rice Husk


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Ora-pro-nobis, popularly known as "poor meat", is used by the food and medicinal potential. The propagation by stem cuttings is the form of multiplication usually employed, however, there are few studies on the cultivation of this plant. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the profile of buds of ora-pro-nobis in substrate of carbonized rice husk. The study was developed at the Institute of Agrarian Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (ICA / UFMG). The experiment was installed in a completely randomized design (DIC), containing three treatments: apical, medial and basal cuttings, with 30, 60 and 30 repetitions, respectively. The substrate consists of charred rice husk and washed sand (1: 1). Initially, the number of buds and the diameter by cutting type and portion, evaluated by the SAEG program, were determined. The number, length and survival rate were analyzed by the standard error in Microsoft Excel 2013 program. Apical type cuttings presented more buds. The first shoot emissions were observed after seven days of planting for the medium and basal cuttings. There was a lower survival rate and fewer shoots on apical cuttings. As for the portion of the cutting, basal cuttings stood out in length in the median and basal positions. The basal and median stakes showed better results in the number of shoots in the portions. It was concluded that medium and basal cuttings of P. aculeata branches were more viable and showed more shoots at 37 days. Researches such as this constitute a new data, and future studies on the rooting profile of the species are necessary.
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Barbados gooseberry, Cutting, Pyrolysis, Oryza sativa
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