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A Preliminary Survey of Theileria Annulata in Some Areas of Altay

Case reports in Veterinary Medicine(2017)

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为了解阿勒泰牛环形泰勒虫病感染情况,本文采用聚合酶链式反应试验(PCR)与血涂片镜检法相结合的试验法,对阿勒泰牛只随机抽样(N = 228),进行牛环形泰勒流行病学调查。经血液涂片检查极少部分全血中发现虫体,牛环形泰勒虫病阳性率为13.16% (30/228);经PCR调查发现,牛环形泰勒虫病感染率为25% (57/228)。蜱分组进行形态学鉴定,发现了四种蜱和确定成年蜱流行情况。通过本次牛感染情况调查,对阿勒泰部分地区牛环形泰勒虫感染情况有了初步了解,为该地区养牛业的健康发展提供了科学依据。 In order to understand Theileria annulata cases in the Altay cows area and using PCR and blood smears. A total of 228 cows were randomly selected from Alety, Conduct epidemiological investigations of Theileria annulata. The total positive blood smear rate was 13.16 (30/228). The total infection rate confirmed by PCR was 25% (57/228). The prevalence of 4 species of adult ticks using Morphopogical identification during different tick groups has been identified and determined. Through infection investigation, the survey results provided preliminary information on piroplasmosis infections in Theileria annulata population in Alety and scientific evidence.
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