Traumatic brain injury of tangata ora (Māori ex-prisoners)


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International and New Zealand research states that high numbers of prisoners are suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Within Aotearoa, research affirms that the total incidence of TBI is higher among Maori than any other ethnic group. Over 30,000 Maori men and women are being monitored by the Department of Corrections within any one year. Over 60% of those being monitored are Maori despite being only 17% of the New Zealand population. We undertook qualitative research with 23 Maori men who were released from prison. We found high rates of TBI, which were commonly untreated. This research highlights the urgent need for the Department of Corrections to screen and find ways to treat these men and to do so in culturally appropriate ways. It also points to the need for a much broader community and services awareness of the issue.
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Maori,Maori men,traumatic brain injury,wellness,prisoners
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