From rods to blobs: When geometry is irrelevant for heat diffusion

arXiv: Classical Physics(2017)

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Thermal systems are an attractive setting for exploring the connections between the approximations of elementary circuit theory and the partial-differential field equations of mathematical physics, a topic that has been neglected in physics curricula. In a calculation suitable for an undergraduate course in mathematical physics, we show that the response function between an oscillating heater and temperature probe has a smooth crossover between a low-frequency, lumped-element regime where the system behaves as an electrical capacitor and a high-frequency regime dominated by the spatial dependence of the temperature field. Undergraduates can easily (and cheaply) explore these ideas experimentally in a typical advanced laboratory course. Because the characteristic frequencies are low, ($approx$ 30 s)$^{-1}$, measuring the response frequency by frequency is slow and challenging; to speed up the measurements, we introduce a useful, if underappreciated experimental technique based on a multisine power signal that sums carefully chosen harmonic components with random phases. Strikingly, we find that the simple model of a one-dimensional, finite rod predicts a temperature response in the frequency domain that closely approximates experimental measurements from an irregular, blob-shaped object. The unexpected conclusion is that the frequency response of this irregular thermal system is nearly independent of its geometry, an example of---and justification for---the spherical cow approximations so beloved of physicists.
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