A comparison between manic patients with or without antipsychotic continuation treatment: Data from a 12-months follow-up study at mood disorder unit of San Raffaele–Turro hospital


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Introduction Several studies suggest that in severe bipolars there is a long-term benefit in continuing antipsychotic therapy plus a mood stabilizer also after remission from a manic episode. Nevertheless, the long-term use of antipsychotics is associated with significant side effects which can interfere with patient global functioning. In this sense, antipsychotics should not be continued unless the benefits outweight the risks. Objectives The present study describes the course of illness between bipolar patients remitted from a manic episode, in continuation treatment with or without antipsychotic therapy during a 12-months follow-up period. Methods Cinquante-six bipolars (22 male and 44 female) remitted (Young  Results At the end of follow-up up, 33/56 patients (58.9%) maintained remission, 23/56 (41.1%) relapsed (56.5% depressive, 31.4% manic). The greater number of relapses occurred within 6th month: 16/56 (28.8%). In AP + MS group 12/21 patients relapsed (57.14%); in MS group 11/35 patients relapsed (31.4%). No statistical difference between the two continuation treatment strategies was observed (Chi-square = 3.586; P  = 0.06). Conclusions Our data confirm the efficacy of mood stabilizers monotherapy in long-term treatment of our severe (psychotic features, revolving-doors) bipolar patients. In fact, once the remission was obtained, the clinical choice of discontinuing antipsychotic therapy did not worsen the course of illness without a higher risk of relapse.
antipsychotic continuation treatment,manic patients,mood disorder unit
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