A utilização da plataforma “Ainda Estou a Aprender” na avaliação e na intervenção nas dificuldades na aprendizagem da leitura: um estudo de caso


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Reading disabilities are one of the main causes of signalization of students for educational support, given that these have implications in their educational trajectory, in their entrance in the job market and in their civic and social participation. The research performed in the last decades has identified key variables that maximize the efficacy of the intervention: teaching competences (phonological awareness, word reading and comprehension) explicitly, early, systematically, individually and intensively. The heterogeneity of the group of students with reading disabilities requires an assessment that allows the identification of the diverse profiles and the designing of adequate intervention programs. In turn, the assessment and intervention require specific materials and competences. The aims of this paper are: (a) to describe the educational platform “I’m still learning” illustrating how information and communication technologies can be used in the diagnostic and intervention in reading disabilities; (b) to analyse, through a case study, the perceptions about the activities presented in the platform AEA, and their impact on the patterns of motivation for learning to read. Keywords: reading disabilities, assessment and intervention, online learning platform.
aprendizagem da leitura,utilização da plataforma,ainda estou,avaliação,intervenção nas dificuldades
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