International Comparison Euramet.QM-K111 – Propane in Nitrogen

J. W. van der Hout,A. M. H. van der Veen, R. R. Ziel,Heinrich Kipphardt,Dirk Tuma,Michael Maiwald, T. E. Fernández, C. Gómez, D. Cieciora, G. Ochman,F. Dias, V. Silvino,T. Macé,C. Sutour, F. Marioni, A. Ackermann,B. Niederhauser, J. Fükő, T. Büki,Z. N. Szilágyi, T. Tarhan, E. Engin


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This key comparison aims to assess the core capabilities of the participants in gas analysis. Such competences include, among others, the capabilities to prepare Primary Standard gas Mixtures (PSMs), perform the necessary purity analysis on the materials used in the gas mixture preparation, the verification of the composition of newly prepared PSMs against existing ones, and the capability of calibrating the composition of a gas mixture. According to the Strategy for Key Comparisons of the Gas Analysis Working Group, this key comparison is classified as an RMO track A key comparison.The artefacts were binary mixtures of propane in nitrogen at a nominal amount-of-substance fraction level of 1000 μmol/mol. The values and uncertainties from the gravimetric gas mixture preparation were used as key comparison reference values (KCRVs). Each transfer standard had its own KCRV. The results are generally good. All results are within ± 1 % of the KCRV.
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