Aspects Radiographiques des Lésions Thoraciques chez le Drépanocytaire Adulte au Burkina Faso


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RESUME Objectif. Decrire les lesions radiographiques thoraciques chez les drepanocytaires adultes, suivis en ambulatoire en milieu burkinabe. Materiels et methodes. Cette etude prospective transversale, menee de janvier 2010 a fevrier 2011 au centre hospitalo-universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo (CHU-YO), a concerne 96 patients hemoglobinopathes S de plus de 16 ans, ayant beneficie d’une radiographie thoracique de face a l’occasion d’une symptomatologie thoracique. Nous avons repertorie les syndromes radiologiques et les avons relies au type d’hemoglobinopathie. Resultats. Il y avait 62 femmes (64.6%) et 34 hommes (33.6%), soit un sex ratio H/F de 0.54.L’âge moyen des patients etait de 36 ans. Le type d’hemoglobinopathie le plus represente etait le type heterozygote SC (67.7 %), suivi du type homozygote SS (18.8%). Les douleurs thoraciques, symptome le plus frequent (94.8%), etaient presentes chez 63.8% des sujets SC. Des lesions radiologiques ont ete trouvees chez 54 patients (56,2%). Il s’agissait de lesions parenchymateuses pulmonaires observees chez 30 patients (31.2%), de lesions cardiomediastinales retrouvees chez 2 patients (2.1%) et de lesions osseuses notees chez 22 patients (22.9%). Les anomalies pulmonaires etaient essentiellement de type interstitiel (90%) et les lesions osseuses de type deformation du corps vertebral en H. Conclusion. Des lesions radiographiques tghoraciques sont observees chez environ la moitie des sujets drepanocytaires adultes au Burkina Faso. Elles sont dominees par les lesions pulmonaires interstitielles et les deformations osseuses vertebrales en « H ». ABSTRACT Purpose. To describe the thoracic lesions present in the chest x-ray of adult sickle patients in one outpatient clinic of Burkina Faso. Materials and methods. This was a prospective, cross sectional study conducted from January 2010 to February 2011 at the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center. The study included 96 sickle cell patients, aged 16 or more, who had chest symptoms and performed conventional chest X-ray. Results. There were 62 women (62.6%) and 34 men (33.6%). The median age was 36 years. Heterozygote SC (67.7%), and homozygote SS (18.8%) were the commonest types of hemoglobin. Chest pain was the most common symptom (94.8%), and it was found in 63.8% of the SC patients. Chest lesions were present on 54 patients (56.2%). Thirty patients (31.2%) had parenchymal lesions and 22 patients (22.9%) had vertebral lesions. Pulmonary lesions were mainly interstitial (90%) while bone lesions were vertebral. SS. Conclusion. Thoracic lesions are found on roughly half of the population of adult sickle cell patients in Burkina Faso. Pulmonary lesions are mainly interstitial while bone lesions affect the thoracic vertebra.
burkina faso
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