Integrazione tra cartografia storica e moderna per lo studio dell'evoluzione di alcuni quartieri di Napoli tra il XVI e il XXI sec.


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In geographical science, data derived from historical sources can be effective for urban studies and for planning strategies. The antique maps are a fundamental thematic layer for the understanding of the urban dynamic structure of a City. In this work the results obtained from the comparative analysis of historical maps (1575, 1772 and 1800), orthophotos of 2000 and the Regional Technical Map (CTR) of 2006 in the city of Naples are presented. To achieve this goal several stages have been carefully implemented: research and acquisition of historical and recent maps; organization of a Geographical Information System project to manage raster dataset; geo-referencing of maps and analysis of thematic layers. The results allow to evaluate the urban evolution of the city through its monuments and buildings.
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