Progress in the field of iodine deficiency disorders prevention in Republic of Uzbekistan (1998–2016)

Clinical and experimental thyroidology(2017)

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In spite of the works performed against IDD, it still remains severe in Uzbekistan. Progress to lower iodine deficiency was due to the activities to liquidation of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) including supply with iodizing equipment and supplementation with potassium iodate. The law of Republic of Uzbekistan “Prevention of iodine deficiency disorders” was adopted in May 2007. Current publication demonstrates iodine deficiency level, in accordance with WHO recommendations with sentinel method, in Uzbekistan. It has been revealed that according to ioduria normal values (100–300 mcg/l) of it was 5.6% of population in 1998 year. This value increased up to 77% in 2016 year. Consumption of adequately iodized salt (15,0-55 ppm of potassium iodate) has increased from 7.6% in 1998 till 81% in 2016. Endemic goiter prevalence among population of Uzbekistan decreased from 70% in 1998 till 31% in 2016. Thus, there is notable decrease of iodine deficiency disorders prevalence in Uzbekistan, though target indicators has not been reached yet.
iodine deficiency disorders,law,uzbekistan
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