Does targeted management work for red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa ? Twelve years of the ‘Finca de Matallana’ demonstration project

European Journal of Wildlife Research(2017)

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After the implementation of a management package for red-legged partridges ( Alectoris rufa ) (including habitat improvement, legal predator removal, supplementary feeding and watering and shooting restrain) in an agricultural Mediterranean area of Spain (308 ha), spring pair densities increased from 2.92 to 12.66/km 2 in 9 years, together with summer densities (from 24 to 98 birds/km 2 ) and autumn densities (from 16.5 to 86 birds/km 2 ). We recorded an overall decrease in the over-winter survival of partridges and an increase in their over-summer survival as time progressed. Productivity doubled in 5 years and densities of wild rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) significantly increased. Hence, this study shows that a feasible and affordable combination of management tools worked to improve partridge populations, and also helped the recovery of wild rabbits. The study site supported the presence of 42 ‘red-listed’ species (including 21 species of raptors).
Alectoris rufa, Habitat, Management, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Predators, Shooting
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