Fragilidade em idosos participantes de Grupos de Convivência e promoção da saúde no envelhecimento

Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal(2016)

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INTRODUCTION: the frailty syndrome is a complex condition that permeates the lives of the elderly, attending with decreased homeostatic reserves of the body and loss of resistance to stressors, taken as a result of many factors, but mainly by sarcopenia. This syndrome makes the elderly vulnerable to illnesses and may lead to the terminal stages of life, if there is no proper treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of factors related to the frailty phenotype in occurrence of this in participating in social groups and health promotion of the city of Santa Cruz / RN. METHOD: This is a descriptive study, associative, cross a quantitative approach with 60 elderly. We evaluated the socioeconomic status and the frailty phenotype. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was aged 66.1 years (SD = 5.08). Most (53.3%) is in the age group of 60-69 years, does not have a partner (63.4%) and are illiterate (58.3%). In morbidity, 42 (70%) reported morbidity and some of these, the pressure was more prevalent in the sample (53.3%), followed by diabetes (20%) and osteoporosis (18.3%). 4 elderly were fragile, 49 pre-frail and 7 non-fragile. There was a significant correlation in unintentional weight loss (0,017), exhaustion (u003c0.001) and slow in gait (u003c0.001) in the occurrence of pre-frailty. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of pre-frailty participated in this investigation, points out warning signs for actions more strongly linked to preventing these events become a priority in the planning of interventions undertaken in groups. Participation in social groups has a protective effect in the prevention of frailty in the elderly.
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