Application of photosensitizer in metastatic lymph node mapping – A vivo study


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Semiconductor devices like transistors, diodes and ICs have some characteristic electrical noise property. At low frequency, this is of a “1/f” type. Devices with defects in the surface region show more noise signal than the normally good devices. This has been observed in the experiments conducted using the Quan-Tech Noise Analyzer. The graphs clearly indicate the character of more noisy components. Noise measurement can be used as effective screening method for semiconductor devices. The present paper deals with the noise analysis of Indian manufactured samples of transistors, zeners and linear integrated circuits. The screening technique is applicable to all semiconductor devices. The study on the correlation of external stress to produce the surface defect, the noise level and subsequent failure mode has been proposed. Noise analysis screening method helps in rejecting the more noisy devices, which are prone to early failures during the instrument's life. This way it helps improve the reliability of electronic instruments.
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metastatic lymph node mapping,photosensitizer
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