
Effect of Nutrient Supply on Some Selected Parameters of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. ‘HRF’) Transplants

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis(2016)

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JEZDINSKÝ ALES, POKLUDA ROBERT, SLEZAK KATALIN. 2016. Eff ect of Nutrient Supply on Some Selected Parameters of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. ‘HRF’) Transplants. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 64(2): 455–460. In the trial the eff ect of nitrogen defi ciency and potassium surplus on the dry weight, photosynthetic activity (A), transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and water use effi ciency (WUE) were examined. The macroelement content of aboveground parts were analysed, too. The plants were grown in pots fi lled by pure Sphagnum peat. The top-dressing started in the 3-leave stage of plants, with diff erent solution (every irrigation): control treatment: 0.28 g N, 0.097 g P (0.22 g P2O5), 0.42 g K (0.50 g K2O) per litre; nitrogen-defi ciency: 0.097 g P (0.22 g P2O5), 0.42 g K (0.50 g K2O) per litre; potassium surplus: 0.28 g N, 0.097 g P (0.22 g P2O5), 0.83 g K (1.0 g K2O) per litre. The transplants grown in the commercial fertilization technology (control treatment) almost in every evaluated parameters shown average value. The potassium surplus resulted signifi cantly higher transpiration activity (2.58 mmol H2O. m −2 . s−1) and photosynthetic activity (11.54 μmol CO2. m −2 . s−1) than the nitrogen defi ciency (E: 1.91 mmol H2O. m −2 . s−1 and A: 9.01 μmol CO2. m −2 . s−1), but without signifi cant diff erences with control treatment. The N, P and K content of aboveground parts was signifi cantly lower in the nitrogen defi ciency treatment, than in the case of the potassium surplus, too. The eff ect of treatments on the dry weight of the plants, the stomatal conductance and the water use effi ciency was not proven statistically.
nitrogen deficiency,potassium surplus,photosynthetic activity,transpiration,macroelements
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