Identification des moteurs de déforestation dans la région d'Isangi, République démocratique du Congo

Salomon Katembera Ciza,Jean-Fiston Mikwa, Augustin Cirhuza Malekezi,Valéry Gond,Faustin Boyemba Bosela

Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques(2015)

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This study analyses the loss of forest cover in the Isangi integrated REDD+ pilot project zone from 2002 to 2010. This is one of the regions in the DRC where human pressures are most severe. The study used multi-temporal remote sens- ing of changes in forest cover combined with field surveys to map the different land-use classes and to determine the zones most severely affected by forest cover losses. The rate of deforestation is estimated at 0.13% per year (330 ha) and the associated emissions at 196 000 t CO2 per year. The results of the surveys conducted among the villagers indicate that the main causes of deforestation and forest degradation are slash-and- burn farming and logging (for firewood, charcoal and construction timber). The recommendations made to slow defor- estation in this region are to improve agricultural production, bring logging into the formal sector and diversify the sources of supply of timber products.
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