Model Simulations Challenge Reductionist Research Approaches for Studying Chronic Low Back Pain.


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BACKGROUND: Traditionally, low back pain (LBP) is studied using a reductionist approach, in which the factors contributing to the clinical presentation of LBP are studied in isolation to identify the primary pathology or condition linked to LBP. We argue that reductionism may not be suitable for studying LBP, considering the complex, multifactorial nature of this condition. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the likelihood of successfully subclassifying patients with LBP and effectively targeting treatment based on a single dominant factor contributing to LBP. METHODS: Both analytical and numerical simulations (Monte Carlo) of 1 million patients with LBP were performed. Several factors contributing to LBP were randomly assigned to each individual. The following outcome measures were computed, as a function of the number of factors: the percentage of individuals who could be subclassified by identifying a single factor exceeding a certain threshold, and the average reduction in LBP when treatment eliminates the largest contributing factor versus a multimodal treatment that eliminates a number of the randomly selected factors. RESULTS: With an increasing number of factors, the probability of subclassifying an individual to a subgroup based on a single factor tends toward zero. A multimodal treatment arbitrarily addressing any 2 or more factors was more effective than diagnosing and treating a single factor that maximally contributed to LBP. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that reductionism is not appropriate for subclassifying patients with LBP or for targeting treatment. The use of reductionist approaches may explain some of the challenges when creating LBP classification systems and designing effective treatment interventions.
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Key words
classification,Monte Carlo simulation,randomized clinical trials,risk factors,subgrouping
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