Can artificial tears prevent Acanthamoeba keratitis? An in vitro approach

Parasites & Vectors(2018)

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The present study uses, for the first time, CTC stain analyzed by flow cytometry to establish Acanthamoeba viability demonstrating its usefulness and complementarity with the traditional stain, Trypan Blue. Artelac® Splash, with no preservatives, and Optava Fusion TM, with Purite®, have not shown any useful amoebicidal activity. On the contrary, promising results presented by Ocultect®, with BAK, open up a new possibility for Acanthamoeba keratitis prophylaxis and treatment although in vivo studies should be carried out.
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Key words
Acanthamoeba, Prophylaxis, Artificial tears, Preservatives, Amoebicidal effect
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