Breastfeeding Before and After Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report of a Mother With C6 Tetraplegia.


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Introduction: Although lactation dysfunction and breastfeeding difficulties after spinal cord injury have been previously reported, there is still a lack of research on the specific challenges and aspects that require more support. This unique case of a mother with C6 tetraplegia details her breastfeeding experience before and after spinal cord injury. Main Issue: A 23-year-old woman with a 20-month-old daughter sustained a motor and sensory complete traumatic spinal cord injury in a motor-vehicle crash while she was 6 months pregnant with her second child. This resulted in complete absence of sensory function below the level of injury (including the breast) and limited hand function. In comparison with her breastfeeding experience before injury, after injury she experienced decreased milk production, absence of the milk ejection reflex, and impaired ability to pick up, hold, and position her infant. Management: Care aides and family members assisted this mother with picking up, positioning, and latching her infant. She also utilized alternative breastfeeding positions, nursing pillows, and wedges. Domperidone was suggested by her physiatrist to increase milk production but ultimately was not used as there were no concerns with her infant's growth or development. Conclusion: Breastfeeding as a recently injured mother while undergoing intensive post-injury rehabilitation was challenging. Her second child developed well and was breastfed for 3 months compared to her first child (9 months). Breastfeeding was possible for this mother after spinal cord injury, in part due to previous experience successfully breastfeeding her first child, assistance from care personnel, and nursing aids.
breastfeeding,breastfeeding barriers,breastfeeding difficulties,breastfeeding support,lactation difficulties,maternal disability
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