Regulatory Effect of Resveratrol and Prednisolone on MDR1Protein Expression in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia CellLine (CCRF-CEM)

Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP(2019)

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Objective: Chemotherapy is the most widely recognized technique to regard leukemia and also different sorts of human tumors. In any case, tranquilize protection has stayed as the primary test against the adequacy of medications. Besides, having different unfriendly impacts, chemotherapy drugs are getting to be traded by characteristic modalities for growth treatment. In such manner, natural segments, for example, resveratrol and prednisolone have been recognized to sharpen the leukemic cells to modified cell demise through an arrangement of complex procedures. In this investigation, we have analyzed effect of 15, 50 and 100μM of resveratrol and 700μM of prednisolone on the human multidrug protection quality 1 (MDR1) as a notable marker for cell sedate protection. We assessed the impact of resveratrol and prednisolone on MDR1 protein expression in the CCRF-CEM cell line as an agent for intense lymphoblastic leukemia. The investigation was planned to clear up whether. Materials and methods: CCRF-CEM cells linage get under drug treatment with use of resveratrol and prednisolone. Western blot use at 24 and 48 hours with different doses of resveratrol and prednisolone to analysis of MDR1 expression changes. Results: Effect of 15, 50, and 100 micro molar of resveratrol and 700 micro molars of prednisolone on CCRF-CEM cells led to the MDR1 decrease. Western blot use for evaluation of MDR1 protein expression changes. Conclusion: In the present study, we observed that resveratrol and prednisolone, with a dose-dependent effect, can reduce the expression of the MDR1 protein. This reduction of expression demonstrates that resveratrol and prednisolone can overcome to drug resistance created by MDR1.
Protein expression,acute lymphoblastic leukemia,resveratrol,prednisolone,MDR1 gene
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