Analysis of codon usage patterns in "Lonicerae Flos" (Lonicera macranthoides Hand. -Mazz.) based on transcriptome data.


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Lonicera macranthoides Hand. -Mazz. is an important medicinal and economical plant in China, however, the codon usage bias (CUB) in L. macranthoides genes is still unknown. In this study, L. macranthoides transcriptome sequencing has been completed, and codon usage patterns in 36,090 reconstructed genes from the L. macranthoides transcriptome were examined. The mean GC content and GC3 value is 44.9% and 43.1%, respectively, which indicates that nucleotide contents of L. macranthoides genome is somewhat AT rich, and its codon bias pattern tends to use A/T-ending codons. According to neutrality plot, ENC plot, PR2-Bias plot and correspondence analysis, we know that both compositional constraint under selection and mutation could affect the CUB in L. macranthoides, and the mutation is the most determinant factor. Meanwhile, gene expression levels can influence its codon usage pattern. Furthermore, we identified 29 optimal codons and most of them ended with A/U. The study will lay a foundation for future research on gene prediction, genetic engineering and molecular evolution in L. macranthoides.
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