First record of genus Paramphitrite (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) in Mediterranean Sea

Marine Biodiversity Records(2017)

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Background The presence of species belonging to genus Paramphitrite (Terebellidae) has been recorded in the Temperate Northern Atlantic and Arctic regions (Iberian Atlantic, Norwegian and Russian seas). This paper describes the first occurrence of Paramphitrite birulai (Ssolowiew, 1899) in the Mediterranean Sea. Methods Sampling surveys were carried out in the North Adriatic Sea about 30 nm offshore Chioggia (Italy) on soft seabed at depths ranging from 29 to 32 meters. The sampling plan provided 18 stations. Results Seventy-four Paramphitrite birulai specimens were examined from a morphological point of view and described in comparison with the existing literature. The species was collected in sandy sediments. Conclusions The record of P. birulai in the North Adriatic Sea represents the first report of the genus Paramphitrite in the Mediterranean Sea extending the distribution range of this species into different ecological and environmental conditions if compared with those where it was previously recorded.
Terebellomorpha, Paramphitrite birulai, Non-indigenous species, Sandy sediment, North Adriatic Sea
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