
Communal roosting behaviour of the black kite ( Milvus migrans govinda ) in an urban metropolis

Journal of Ethology(2017)

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Research on raptors in general in India is scanty, and it is practically non-existent on black kites ( Milvus migrans govinda ) which are the major scavenging raptor in many urban areas. The aim of this study was to analyse the seasonal abundance and roosting behaviour of black kites in an urban metropolis. Data on the abundance and behaviour of roosting black kites in this setting were collected using evening roost counts and ad-libitum sampling, respectively. Analysis was performed using separate generalized linear models considering roosting kite abundance, number of black kites arriving to roost and number of black kites showing pre-roosting display as response variables, respectively. We found that black kites roosted communally and that their number varied in different years and seasons, with the abundance highest in the summer and lowest during the winter. Pre-roosting displays also varied seasonally, being highest during the monsoon and at a minimum in the winter. In our urban setting, black kites arrived at the roosting sites mostly after sunset, and their arrival was influenced by sunset time, temperature, relative humidity and season. Some behavioural aspects of black kites within the roosts were also documented. This is the first quantitative assessment of roosting black kite abundance in Kolkata, India, and our data provide insight on the roosting behaviour of these birds relative to various environmental parameters.
Milvus migrans govinda,Roost count,Pre-roosting display,Kolkata,Sunset,Weather parameters
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