Black Tea ( Camellia sinensis ) Extract Induced Changes in Blood and Liver Parameters on Pregnant and Lactating Experimental Albino Rats

Proceedings of the Zoological Society(2017)

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This study was to evaluate the changes in blood and liver parameters caused by oral dose of black tea extract (BTE) in experimental albino rats throughout pregnancy and lactation periods. Pregnant female Wister albino rats were chosen for this study. Group 1 was control group treated with saline. Group 2 and Group 3 were pregnant female rats treated with 50 and 100 mg BTE/kg/day respectively throughout pregnancy and lactation periods. All three groups of rats were provided with food and drinking water ad libitum. Animals were examined through their hematological profile, SEM of RBC and liver function test. BTE (100 mg/kg/day) produced significant alterations in hemoglobin concentration, total RBC and WBC count compared to control groups. BTE (100 mg/kg/day) also induced significant changes in the histology of liver and serum enzymes for liver function test compared to control groups. This study confirmed that BTE altered the parameters of blood and liver in pregnant and lactating experimental albino rats.
Albino rat, Black tea extract, Camellia sinensis, Pregnancy, Lactation period, Blood parameters, Liver function test
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