Papillomatous Skin Netting of Cetaceans (Cetacea: Delphinapterus leucas, Balaena mysticetus , and Eschrichtius robustus ) and Sirens (Sirenia: Trichechus manatus and Dugong dugon )

Doklady biological sciences : proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biological sciences sections(2018)

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The structure of the papillomatous junction between epidermis and dermis (papillomatous netting, PN) in the skin of cetaceans (white whales, bowhead, and gray whales) and sirens (American manatee, dugong) was studied and compared using histophysiological and morphogeometric methods. The relative extent of PN development proved to be similar in members of both orders, but significant differences were found in PN configuration, the volume of “free area of grille”, the degree of skin vertical compression, and skin density, which influence buoyancy. The differences are discussed from the viewpoint of species biology.
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