Joule-level high effiency energy transfer to sub-picosecond laser pulses by a plasma-based amplifier


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Power amplification and pulse compression of short-pulse laser beams by three-wave nonlinear processes in a plasma was proposed by Malkin, Shvets, and Fisch [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4448 (1999)] as a potential path to exceed the limits of the highly successful technique of chirped pulse amplification [D. Strickland and G. Mourou, Opt. Commun. 56, 219 (1985)] developed three decades ago. The parametric processes considered, Raman and Brillouin scattering, are notoriously difficult to control and to predict theoretically because of the dependence on plasma properties and other nonlinear processes. Previous experiments of backward Raman and Brillouin amplifiers have fallen far short of the predictions of simulations and theory and achieved only a very small energy transfer. In this paper, laser-plasma amplification of subpicosecond pulses above the Joule level is demonstrated with a large energy transfer and a very high efficiency, up to 20%, a major milestone for this scheme to become a solution for the next generation of ultrahigh-intensity lasers. In addition, three-dimensional simulations of the amplification process quantitatively match the experimental results and demonstrate the ability of predictive simulations for the optimization of experiments. The global behavior of the amplification process is reproduced, including the evolution of the spatial profile of the amplified seed, the pulse length of the amplified seed, and the influence of parasitic spontaneous Raman and Brillouin scattering.
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