Natural Language Processing And Recurrent Network Models For Identifying Genomic Mutation-Associated Cancer Treatment Change From Patient Progress Notes


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Objectives: Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning approaches were used to build classifiers to identify genomic-related treatment changes in the free-text visit progress notes of cancer patients.Methods: We obtained 5889 deidentified progress reports (2439 words on average) for 755 cancer patients who have undergone a clinical next generation sequencing (NGS) testing in Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center for our data analyses. An NLP system was implemented to process the free-text data and extract NGS-related information. Three types of recurrent neural network (RNN) namely, gated recurrent unit, long short-term memory (LSTM), and bidirectional LSTM (LSTM_Bi) were applied to classify documents to the treatment-change and no-treatment-change groups. Further, we compared the performances of RNNs to 5 machine learning algorithms including Naive Bayes, K-nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine for classification, Random forest, and Logistic Regression.Results: Our results suggested that, overall, RNNs outperformed traditional machine learning algorithms, and LSTM_Bi showed the best performance among the RNNs in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. In addition, pre-trained word embedding can improve the accuracy of LSTM by 3.4% and reduce the training time by more than 60%.Discussion and Conclusion: NLP and RNN-based text mining solutions have demonstrated advantages in information retrieval and document classification tasks for unstructured clinical progress notes.
machine learning, natural language processing, electronic health records, cancer, genomics
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