Input Shaping Based on an Experimental Transfer Function for an Electrostatic Microscanner in a Quasistatic Mode.


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This paper describes an input shaping method based on an experimental transfer function to effectively obtain a desired scan output for an electrostatic microscanner driven in a quasistatic mode. This method features possible driving extended to a higher frequency, whereas the conventional control needs dynamic modeling and is still ineffective in mitigating harmonics, sub-resonances, and/or higher modes. The performance of the input shaping was experimentally evaluated in terms of the usable scan range (USR), and its application limits were examined with respect to the optical scan angle and frequency. The experimental results showed that the usable scan range is as wide as 96% for a total optical scan angle (total OSA) of up to 9 degrees when the criterion for scan line error is 1.5%. The usable scan ranges were degraded for larger total optical scan angles because of the nonlinear electrostatic torque with respect to the driving voltage. The usable scan range was 90% or higher for most frequencies up to 160 Hz and was drastically decreased for the higher driving frequency because fewer harmonics are included in the input shaping process. Conclusively, the proposed method was experimentally confirmed to show good performance in view of its simplicity and its operable range, quantitatively compared with that of the conventional control.
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Key words
microscanner,input shaping,open-loop control,quasistatic actuation,residual oscillation,usable scan range,higher-order modes
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