Endometriosis And The Menopause: Why The Question Merits Our Full Attention


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As an estrogen-dependent disease, endometriosis was thought to become less active or regress with the onset of the menopause. However, based on some new data, we are discovering that this pathology can emerge or reappear at this period of life. Clinicians must consider it as a possible cause for cases of pelvic pain, and heavy bleeding. Authors have described a possibility of transformation of the intraperitoneal proliferation into a malignant type with ovarian, bowel and even lung metastasis. The risk of transformation into an ovarian cancer is around 2 or 3%. The role of menopausal hormonal therapy will be discussed as in recurrence in the case of residue existence, especially after incomplete surgery. Is it possible to prescribe hormonal therapy to a menopausal women suffering climacteric symptoms as it could trigger a recurrence of endometriosis and even an increased risk of malignant degeneration? This remains unclear. It is an unresolved therapeutic dilemma; the choice between surgery or medical treatment?
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carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, endometrioma, endometriosis, HRT, levonorgestrel, menopause
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